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Judy Salisbury

Judy Salisbury, the Founder and President of Logos Presentations, helps Believers share the Gospel with passion and persuasion, trains individuals on how to communicate the moral issues of our day with competence and confidence, and encourages many on how to live a vibrant life in the Lord Jesus Christ.


Raised in the metropolitan area of New York City, Judy worked in corporate sales, dabbled in stand-up comedy, pantomime, improvisation, and acting until her move to California in 1984. After establishing herself as an award-winning salesperson, Judy trained professionals in sales, customer service, and presentation skills.


Equipped with a powerful and inspiring testimony Judy Salisbury, who gave her life to the Lord Jesus Christ in 1991, employs wit, wisdom, and the Word as she remains one of the most versatile Christian speakers in the United States today serving the Lord in multiple capacities.


Since the founding of Logos Presentations in 1994, Judy Salisbury has been conducting exciting women’s retreats, informative youth events, general assemblies, and conferences. Just a few of Salisbury's speaking opportunities include Focus on the Family, Concerned Women of America, Multnomah Biblical Seminary, Simon Greenleaf University, Crossroads Bible College, Stand to Reason’s Master’s Series in Christian Thought,  Pregnancy Resource Centers, Heartbeat International, Compass International, Gideons events, Tidings of Love,

CareNet, Southern Evangelical Seminary’s National Apologetics Conference, and EMNR’s National Apologetics Conference. This certified Christian Lay Counselor also enjoyed four years of co-hosting two radio programs (Issues & Answers and Church Spotlight), interviewing various guests, and sharing her thoughts to help equip and encourage.


Joining in 2005, Judy Salisbury volunteers with her local fire department, where she serves as a firefighter and as the Crisis Care Counselor. She is also the Chair of the Board of Local Volunteer Fire Fighters and Reserve Officers for Cowlitz/Skamania Fire District 7 and a newly appointed Fire Commissioner. Judy served for seventeen years as an EMT and was also an I.V.-Tech and an EMS Evaluator/Trainer. Drawing from her EMS experience and several years in nursing, Judy designed and presents her unique training program to healthcare professionals from coast to coast. Her timely and popular presentation addressing emotional trauma is life-changing for secular, faith-based, and general audiences alike.


Judy Salisbury is the author of numerous books, including A Time to Speak (foreword by Josh McDowell), Reasons for Faith (foreword by Dr. Norman Geisler), Engaging Encounters (foreword by Dr. David Geisler), The Emmaus Conversation, More Than Devotion, The Relevance of Revelation, and Calamity Care (written during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic). Having written the first book for women on Christian Apologetics, Judy is also among the leading Christian Apologists and the only female contributing author for the book, Is Your Church Ready? Motivating Leaders to Live An Apologetic Life.  You can also find her communication training quoted at length in Miriam Cain's Make a Difference: A Christian Action Handbook for Southern Africa.


Judy Salisbury lives on the outskirts of Mount St. Helens Volcanic National Park in Washington State with her husband, Jeff, where they successfully home-schooled their two children K-12 and enjoy an occasional marshmallow roast. Judy’s unique and varied background, strong work ethic, engaging sense of humor, and love for the Lord Jesus Christ make her relatable and relevant as she impacts the lives and calling of those who avail themselves of her talks, training, and materials.

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